Fitness Program

Best workout program in 4 months (based on DMC Formula)

workout program
workout program

According to the research of DMC sports and fitness research institute, everyone should go through three training courses to achieve the best fitness results with a health approach:

  • Dedication
  • Motivation
  • Consistency
quadfit course

Of course, for people who have not had any sports experience or have been away from gym workout and strength training for a long time, one step should be added to the beginning of this path, and that is Adaptation, to create adaptation and preparation to enter these three training courses.

In dmcfit, for each of these steps, four weeks of training with a combination of running + HIIT and strength training are considered, and we have reached a comprehensive training program called,
with slogan,
Get fit in 4 months.

You may have come across many claims in gyms or websites that offer fitness services, which invite you to start 3 or 4 month quick results workout programs, you may even prepare such training programs. But let's reveal a big secret.

Why do some workout programs give better and faster results?

There is an old saying among all bodybuilders and fitness experts that says:

As with all fitness coaches in the world, there is a way to write a workout program

Today, with a simple and free search on YouTube, you can access the training video of all workout movements, or even by referring to the gym trainers, you can learn the correct way to perform the movements.
Therefore, this type of movements cannot be the main factor in the high score of an fitness program.
On the other hand, the chaining of movements and the type of placement of them and forming a workout program is not a final factor.
I will introduce to you the main factor and the secret of a personalized plan.
Training cycle!!!

A training cycle consists of several stages.
In the first step, a fitness profile should be formed based on standard tests and measurements.
Of course, the important issue is the goal of the user, because the profile factors of a professional athlete are different from a person who pursues the goal of health or weight loss.

After completing the profile, it is time to design training courses according to the scientific and standard training schedule.
For example, weight loss is not a standard fitness factor, but by reaching balanced levels in each of the fitness factors that require a certain time to pass, you can expect weight loss.

Therefore, by using the science of training and taking advantage of the user's personal profile indicators, the fitness expert and trainer can identify which of the fitness factors (cardiovascular capacity, endurance-strength, etc) are out of balance, and how much time need to return to balance.
Finally, it designs the timing and cycle based on setting the intensity and volume of exercises for each user.
Here, only the placement of the training chains of each session is left, which is not a difficult task despite the wide range of cycles and movements available to the trainer!!!

dmc workout program

Quadfit course is one of the first online workout programs based on a personalized cycle that will bring you to your fitness goal after four months.

what is Quadfit course?

First phase: Adaptation workout program

Quadfit course includes a one-month adaptation program for preparation to strength training and gym workout.
The cycle of this training course is designed based on combined strength exercises to increase muscle endurance and develop ligament strength.
Maybe you have encountered body pain at the beginning of strength training, which challenges you for a few days. Today, more than 40% of gym users who start strength workout for the first time, stop their training after facing these muscle pains.
From 2000 until now, more than 100 training protocols have been presented for the first 4 weeks of training, the best of which is the use of station or circuit training.
This workot protocol combines machines, free weights, and exercises with body weight, It prepares the user to enter the main workout program without suffering body pain.

Second phase: Dedication workout program

Whenever the athlete's body is prepared for strength training and regular and continuous physical activity in the gym, it is time to perform training cycles with more specialized volume and intensity.
In this workout, the focus is on increasing cardiovascular, endurance capacity, general muscle strength and even volume and hypertrophy in muscle groups.
In a study among 500 male users in California, who entered the gym for fitness purposes, more than 65% of these people, after seeing noticeable results in reducing abdominal fat and increasing muscle mass in the second month of training, adhered to They completed the fitness program for the third month. 

The philosophy of designing the Dedication workout program is exactly based on this. If you pass your adaptation period and sacrifice at least one month of your time, money and energy in the path of fitness, you will most likely not give up on this path and you will keep walking until you reach your goal.
The dedication training program is not only available in the DMC training programs section as a separate 21-session course, but also forms the second part of the QUADFIT program and includes one month of this program.

Third phase: Motivation workout program

A practical and effective fitness program must have a special plan for each stage of fitness routine.
When the user was able to reach the minimum results in his physical fitness factors, he may give up on his path, because he thinks he has already reached the peak of his goals.
You can see a lot of people who have been going to the gym for at least two months and then stop after gaining another noticeable muscle mass!

If you have reached the third stage of your training and at least two months have passed including adaptation exercises, you should be in a new phase called the motivation phase.
In this phase, workout program should be designed in such a way that a challenge is designed for the user every week and even every session according to the conditions of the plan cycle.
At this stage, the athlete's brain should not get tired of the flatness of the programs, so by facing new challenges, the user will be in the growth phase and without delay, he will go through his fitness path step by step. Challenges such as increasing records. , learning a new functional workout move or even participating in a challenge competition in the gym such as Crossfit , can be the best option at this stage.

Do not forget that the more you advance in the fitness path, the programs should be more specialized and designed by a trainer, so do not enter the challenge without consulting a fitness expert.

Another formula that we have arrived at in DMC is based on this exact issue and we have designed a program that we named Motivation workout program.

This program is currently only a part of the comprehensive training program, and soon it will be placed separately in the form of a 9-week training program in the DMC workout program section.

Fourth phase: Consistency workout program

Imagine you are riding a bicycle on an uphill slope towards the top of a mountain, and before you reach the top and all the hard work you have done is over, you release the brake and go back down again.
In the formula that we have designed to achieve physical fitness in 4 months, we have come to the conclusion that the most important training phase is the fourth month, which is the stabilization.
The workout designed for this plan called Consistency is in the QUADFIT program and will soon be in the form of a separate 11-week program in the DMC virtual gym.
The purpose of this stage is to stabilize all the achievements of the athlete during the last three months and after the end of the course, he will become an athlete with minimum fitness factors.

Currently, not only the Quadfit workout plan is available in the workout program section of the website, but the two initial stages are also available separately:
The Adaptation workout program is in the form of a 4-week program
And the Dedication workout program in the form of a 7-week program which you can customize for yourself.
An important topic that should be told to you here is to pay attention to the price and financial value of these workout programs.
Our motto is:

love your body and save your money


Just look at the price of our most important course, the 4-month course, in Dmc workout program.

We are sure that we have achieved a formula that, for the first time in the world, we can provide fitness with the lowest cost and the most convenient method to people who are looking for high efficiency and success in life.
Be sure to use the DMC calculator to create your own fitness profile before purchasing so your workout program can be personalized based on your information.
Hoping for stable six packs!

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